Mustangs leaving the Mersey TunnelConvoy of P-51 Mustang aircraft leaving the Mersey Tunnel, Liverpool
Republic P-47 ThunderboltRepublic P-47D Thunderbolt of the 410th Fighter Squadron, USaF, over Normandy, 26 August 1944
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt (42-25845 R3-G) of 410th Fighter Squadron USaF in flight near Mont St Michael, Normandy, 26 August 1944
Boeing B-17G of the 447th Bombardment Group, USaF, Stowmarket 12 May 1945
Martin B-26B Marauder of the 596th Bombardment Squadron, 2 August 1944
Boeing B-29 Superfortress (45-21752) in flight over the English countryside, 1945
Northrop P-61A Black Widow of the USaF over Normandy, 28 August 1944
Black Widows in LiverpoolP-61 Black Widow aircraft passing the church in St Georges Dock gates, Liverpool
Unloading Mustangs in LiverpoolP-51 Mustang aircraft being transferred from floating crane to special carrier beam fitted to a 8-wheel trailer
Mustangs entering the Mersey TunnelConvoy of P-51 Mustang aircraft on 8-wheel trailers in transit from Ellesmere Port to Speke; entering the Mersey Tunnel, Birkenhead
Lightnings at Alexandra DocksConvoy of P-38 Lightning aircraft at Alexandra Dock, Liverpool, for outward shipment on American re-deployment programme, circa 1944
Mustangs in LiverpoolP-51 Mustang aircraft leaving Princes Landing Stage, Liverpool, in convoy for Speke for final assembly